
We are pleased to Announce a very exciting and amazing upcoming project for those who want to continue their journey of learning and healing with our organization. The project name is ” Process Book Club” which is specifically designed for those who are enthusiastic learners and are intended to learn practically for their own Self Growth.

In this project, we will have a weekly 2 or 3 hours live session on a Psychotherapy book. We will finish one book in probably two or three weeks and it will not a simple book reading group.

What you will find is,

* In first hour of session, we will talk upon the key theoretical concepts that are presented in the book, we are studying through power point presentations.v* In the second hour, we will go into an interactive discussion on concepts i.e. question Answers on concepts plus we will critically analyse the Stuff, it’s strengths, weeknesses, limitations and about resonation with ourselves.* In the third hour, we will process our Self Exploration on this learning, we have done and we will do some practical experiential exercises based upon this learning for our Self Growth and development.We will specifically choose and read the books on Psychology, Psychotherapy and on Self Exploration in this book club.
Starting date: 1st April 2022Registration charges: 1000 RsMonthly fee: 3000 Rs (for 4 live sessions)